Your significant other’s reaction will say a whole lot. Simply hide your own phone and ask him to give you his to locate yours. If you used to know his password, at this point, he might have changed it. Here’s what to do when you suddenly notice this, don’t snoop around trying to guess your partner’s password. Furthermore, your partner will be more comfortable with silent mode because he won’t want to draw any of your attention to the location of his phone.įurthermore, since it’ll be weird to always see his phone light up during an incoming call or text with no sound, he’ll be more comfortable turning his phone face-down when you are close by. If he’s in the shower, trust me, you won’t catch his phone lying around like his car keys. There’ll be a significant change no doubt a cheating husband will likely treat his phone as the key to a bank vault. If your husband is cheating, one of the signs he’ll give off easily is the way he treats his phone. I’ll tell you what to do if you read on because the next point is interwoven with this one. However, if there’s too much secrecy and you have no idea why your significant other suddenly spends more time with his phone making you feel neglected, then he might have something to hide. In fact, he’ll let you in on some of the conversations if he’s not working for the CIA or FBI. So, if it’s work-related or conversations with family and friends, he’ll likely be open about it from time to time. However, the truth is, you and your husband are supposed to be buddies in your relationship. In addition, your significant other could just be keeping in touch with some friends and family more than he used to. Hey, before you make a storm out of a teacup, the workload could have significantly increased causing his phone to become an extension of his work station. So, if your husband spends a lot of time on his phone more than usual, you might have valid reasons to worry. When your man is cheating, it’s only natural to keep in touch with the other woman when he can’t be with her and this includes when he’s at home with you. 2.5 What are the signs of a guilty husband?Ĭell Phone Signs That He Is Cheating 1.2.4 What apps do cheaters communicate with?.2.3 What do you say to a cheating husband?.2.2 What is the best app to catch a cheating spouse?.

2.1 How do you know if your husband is cheating on you?.Another woman’s picture is on his cell phone He’s got strange names on his contact list